Thursday, June 14, 2007

Georgia Peach

Well, for just about everyone
out there, this is Ty Cobb, biggest
prick to ever wear a baseball
uniform (including Barry Bonds)
and just about the most famous
person from Georgia ever. Well y'all
I'm moving down there and hoping
to strike it rich and enjoy cruising
the hundreds of miles of roads
that lead to God knows where.
I think I'll continue this stupid
thing just for keeping in touch
purposes. Best of luck to Lioux
and his new blog, I'm riouxting
for "Lioux Velvet", kudos to cokane
on that one. I also like "Waiting
for the Lioux" which has a double
meaning for the Brits among us.
"Damn You Dixie"? Nah.
Hope everyone else keeps up
their own blogs.
See y'all in the blogosphere.
TW out.